Alaska was one of my biggest trip so far and definitely the biggest “project” I ever made. That’s why there won’t be only text and photos but I also made some moving pictures for you.
Straight from beginning I must consider, that thanks to the overwriten and videos deleted not by me, those videos doesn’t look like it was planned. I made that edit anyway just for that memory. That’s why I think that frist video will not be interesting for many viewers because it’s just talking an road to Alaska. So if you want just “action” do not waste your time and jump straight to second video. 🙂 Everybody else can enjoy my excitement about leaving Europe for the first time.
In next video our journey continue from Anchorage to Akutan and then you’ll see all moving images, from my free time, who survived. Unfortunately it’s not many of them so the most informaions you can get from text part of my story.
To be continued! For last video you must wait when I’ll come back from Iceland. :p